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Here are some sites and organizations to explore and investigate as you develop your programs.
- America Music Therapy Association (AMTA) http://www.musictherapy.org/
“AMTA’s purpose is the progressive development of the therapeutic use of music in rehabilitation, special education, and community settings.” - Department of Human Services. http://dhs.dc.gov/ Discusses SNAP (supplemental nutrition), PASS (parent and adult support), support for teen parents, housing and shelter programs, strong families program, family social services (protection, intervention), youth service shelters, homeless support services, refugee support, VA housing and support.
- McCall, R. Human Services- Do you know what they are? Pittsburgh Post-Gazette [pub. December 13, 2015.] http://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/Op-Ed/2015/12/13/Human-services-Do-you-know-what-they-are/stories/201512130122
- Turino, T. Music as Social Life, the politics of participation. Chicago IL: U of Chicago Press; 2008.
- Hesser, Dr. B. and Heinemann, Dr. H. Music as a Global Resource Solutions for Social and Economic Issues. Compendium. Fourth Edition. Available at https://www.slideshare.net/mobile/DrDanielHyamsPhD/2015-united-nationsmusic-as-a-global-resource
- Adding music to medicine 12.01.2008 https://stanfordhealthcare.org
- Adding music to medicine. https://stanfordhealthcare.org/stanford-health-now/2008/music-program.html
- Center for Arts in Medicine http://arts.ufl.edu/academics/center-for-arts-in-medicine/
- Foundation for Art and Healing. http://www.artandhealing.org
- NEA military healing arts partnership https://www.arts.gov/partnerships/nea-military-healing-arts
- Center for Arts in Medicine. http://arts.ufl.edu/academics/center-for-arts-in-medicine/
- Loewy, J. DA, MT-BC and Hara, A. MA, MT-BC, Editors. Caring for the Caregiver: the use of music and music therapy in grief and trauma. AMTA: Silver Spring MD; 2007.
- Hanser, Dr. S. EdD, MT-BC and Mandel, Dr. S. PhD, MT-BC. Manage your Stress and Pain Through Music. Berklee Press; 2010.
- Saul, J. Collective Trauma, Collective Healing. Promoting community resilience in the aftermath of disaster. Routledge: New York, NY; 2014.
- The Pittsburgh Symphony Music and Wellness site http://wellness.pittsburghsymphony.org.
- Arts in education partnership www.aep-arts.org
- Community MusicWorks. http://communitymusicworks.org/mission/ A model “centered around the teaching, mentoring, program design, and performance activities of musicians-in-residence, the Community MusicWorks Players.”
- Music Together Program. https://www.musictogether.com/
- Turnaround Arts. http://turnaroundarts.pcah.gov/ “Turnaround Arts brings arts education programs and supplies to a group of the lowest-performing elementary and middle schools in the country.”
- The Arts Education Partnership. http://www.aep-arts.org/
- “The AEP of the Council of Chief State School Officers is dedicated to securing a high-quality arts education for every young person in America.”
- Costa, A. Editor. Developing Minds, a resource book for teaching thinking. Chapter 54 Loring, R. Music and Skillful Thinking. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD): Alexandria VA; 2001.
- Berger, D MT-BC Eurhythmics and Autism Dorita Berger is a concert pianist, educator and music therapist.
- Wilson, B., Editor. Models of Music Therapy Interventions in School Settings: from institution to inclusion. AMTA: Silver Spring, MD; 1996.
- Lim, Hayoung. Developing Speech-Language Training through Music, for children with Autism Spectrum disorders. Philadelphia, PA: Jessica Kingsley; 2012.
- Gorski, P. Reaching and Teaching Students in Poverty. Strategies for erasing the opportunity gap. Chapter 2 Imagining equitable classrooms and schools for low-income youth. Effective strategies: art and music programs. 32-33. Teachers College Press: NYC; 2013.
- Barone, D EdD. Narrowing the Literacy Gap. What works in high poverty schools. Guilford Press: NYC; 2006.
- Jensen, E. Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind. Chapter 7: Engage for energy and focus. Action #4 Influence energy levels with music. 126-30. ASCD: Alexandria, VA; 2013.
At-Risk Populations
- American Voices www.americanvoices.org
- Musicians Without Borders https://www.musicianswithoutborders.org/