Those of us who work in and for orchestras realize the need to create programming for both large and small groups, programming that strengthens and enriches communities in areas that the community considers to be important. We can use music to address community concerns, and we can adjust how we present the music in accordance with the diversity of interests and experience of our musicians and our potential audiences.
MUSACOR, along with its partner site on Facebook and the compendium Music as a Global Resource, is intended to provide you with ideas and resources to support the development of effective, in-depth, sustainable music programs well-suited to your community’s changing needs.
On taking chances and stepping out of your comfort zone…
Many orchestral musicians are most familiar and comfortable with preparing for concerts, showing up on stage and performing in the home concert hall or taking those concert programs on tour. We may also teach or coach chamber music and do occasional presentations outside the hall. But as the demographics of our cities change, as community needs compete for funding and our audience expectations evolve, we increasingly find ourselves asked to play in smaller groups in a wide variety of non -traditional spaces, designing programs for a very different audience . We often feel exposed, vulnerable and uncomfortable in that context, not always knowing what music might be appropriate, not sure how to design programs, interact, involve or engage this new audience, and not knowing how to adjust if we are not getting a positive response.
MUSACOR is intended to address some of these issues by giving you ideas about resources, collaborations,organizations, specialists and music that support the development of your initiatives.
For your own smaller group presentations I encourage you to move somewhat beyond your comfort zone, to stretch yourself in a search for ways to provide a meaningful experiences for your audience.
Your experiences in the field will give your organization new ideas about programming in your hall.
But most importantly, these small group interactive experiences can be one of the most meaningful music-making experiences you have. Your music becomes a powerful force for good.