
Locations For Music And Wellness Activities

This list is intended to give you ideas about locations for music and wellness presentations. It may help remind you of other possibilities for partnering and for reaching new audiences. Of course there may be many other opportunities in your area!

Cancer groups

  • An interactive presentation sponsored by Reach to Recovery for cancer survivors and volunteers.
  • Cancer Caring Center presentation on the use of music during diagnosis and treatment.
  • STAR (study comparing the effectiveness of a cancer drug to another treatment) research participant thank you.
  • Gilda’s Club. Thank you for volunteers. Presentations on how to use music for stress and pain management, how to use music to support your rehab and exercise goals.
  • Play for a fundraiser for American Cancer Society, or a cancer screening organization in your area.
  • Play at a fashion show for African-American women, advocating screening for cancers, where the presenters provide vouchers for anyone uninsured or to give to someone they know who could use them. and other information (One of the musicians needs to be a survivor to give a testimony to the benefits of screening).

Religious organizations

  • Your local synagogue, church or other religious center. How music with religious ties can help with coping.
  • Post -Taize service presentation on the use of music for stress and pain management. Congregants sing the service, so they are primed for participating!

Hospitals, insurers and medical schools

  • Hospital presentation to all those who are involved with diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer patients (Could be another type of cancer one of your musicians experienced and used music).
  • Presentation to nurses as a thank you for their work.
  • Presentations to hospital support groups (breast cancer, ostomy, prostate, ovarian) on how to optimize quality of life using music.
  • Stress reduction using music for relatives of patients in ICU (some want silence).
  • Family house waiting area for families of hospitalized children.
  • At children’s hospital play for a memorial service to honor children who died the year previously. The event is for families of the children as well as for all hospital staff who cared for them.
  • Playing for a pancake breakfast for patients and families at your children’s hospital.
  • Unlocking the classics at Med school. How music that patients choose can help them cope.
  • Highmark or other health insurer presentation for employees on use of music.

Your concert hall

  • A pre-concert talk onstage (especially during October, or before your area’s race for the cure or other cancer research fundraiser.
  • Music 101 or brown bag lunch series on use of music for stress and pain management.
  • Donor events at people’s homes or workplaces on stress management using music.
  • Presentation at a Volunteer Association gathering.
  • Presentation to the Board.
  • Presentation at a staff retreat.
  • A session with your local adult choir on use of music for stress reduction.


  • Educators conference on use of music for self-calming and transitions.
  • Health fair at a school. What are they trying to emphasize? How can using music help?
  • Wellness retreat in conjunction with the music therapy community, Dalcroze or Eurhythmic teachers, and other expressive therapy leaders.
  • Housing project pilot music program with a performance at the end.

Summer camps

  • YMCA heart camp.
  • Camp for children with special needs. Some are very talented and have undiscovered music talents!

Other possibilities

  • Retirement communities.
  • VA campus, guided by their music therapists.
  • OASIS (older adults organization) on stress reduction.
  • Carnegie library presentations.
  • Barnes and Noble or other bookstore.
  • Play as part of slain police officers memorial service , or other all-city memorial service after a catastrophic event.

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